Cameron Kaiser

About Me

Portrait photo of Cameron Kaiser        If there’s one thing that’s certain in life, it’s the existence of problems that need to be solved. With the rapid expansion of the internet and other resources, the value of knowledge is undergoing inflation and the ability to innovate and communicate is now what distinguishes unique individuals. The architect is the one who can read between the lines, designing and elucidating a foundation upon which technical knowledge can be exercised. While I certainly pride myself on my technical skill (but moreso on my ability to gain technical skill), it is in the identification and solution of complex problems that I most excel. Nothing excites me more than an unsolved problem, a few passionate coworkers, and a drawing board.
        I believe that cogent communication is essential for a group’s success, and that every individual has a different way of most effectively internalizing information. Knowing this, I work to adapt my methods of presentation and communication in order to best accommodate my audience. Personally, I am amiable and extroverted, always happy to chat, but there are times when a different approach is necessary. I was elected president of Sonoma State University’s Student Health and Advisory Committee, and was also chosen as a board member to represent the student-body in the university’s search for a new Health Director. This isn’t a reflection of my knowledge on health-related topics (of which I have not experienced any professional training), but rather my ability to work with members, supervisors, and resources to identify and pursue points of improvement.
        Please email me at if you wish to connect!