
All art is quite useless – Oscar Wilde

        Music – the only unexplained sense. Why can an arbitrary sequence of hierarchically defined frequencies bring us to tears? Why is it, that no matter our spirit nor occupation, our brain remains perpetually locked into a musical “home”? These are questions I do not have the answer to. I’m not sure we ever will. Name any other sense, and we are quick to explain its existence, whether it’s the conduciveness of taste to non-lethal eating habits, or the ecstatic reward of propagating one’s genes through intercourse. The perception of a tonic, however? We may be able to support the idea that it arose out of an evolutionary need for communication; the perceptions of tones relative to an anchor is essential for tonal language. Unfortunately, this fails to explain why we react so much more profoundly to the mellifluous euphony of well-led voices than to our own conversations — there is no evolutionary basis for such reward. The very nature of its existence is antithetical to our understanding of evolution, as least as far as we understand it today. It is for these reasons that I consider music to be a form of art incomparable to others.


        Music has been the leading inspiration for who and where I am today, and it is my goal to offer others that which has been offered to me. I have watched as people cry during my pieces, and I have cried myself. It is this swell of emotion that I find most beautiful in life, and it is within these moments that I think empathy and understanding reach their apex. After all, it was the exchanging of Christmas carols that ultimately brought together the British and the Germans during the extraordinary Truce of 1914. If I can capture whatever enigmatic element of music lends itself to the enrapturing of our senses, I can make an impact on the world.
        I welcome you to visit my Original Compositions page to see my efforts in action. I am always open to collaborations and commissions, so feel free to network if you’re interested in working together! To conclude this page I will leave you with a work-in-progress string quartet of mine that I feel aptly reflects my ideas and ambitions.