Computer Science


        Coding is the art of expressing our humanistic desires and antics through algorithms. If there is something we can do, computers can do it, and often even more efficiently. I have extensive experience with modern technology, whether it’s building speakers, constructing computers, or analyzing databases for significant trends. New technology comes easy to me, an aptitude that has been very helpful in a world of rapidly changing status quo. I believe this is a fueled by my desire to know how and why things work, rather than simply accept their function. A deeper knowledge is essential in maximizing the efficacy of a tool, and the time spent learning how it works will always be remunerated through your increased productivity. While there are a lot of subjects I am not yet conversant in, the bridge to comprehension is generally only a brief (hopefully) study away. I received formal education in Java, C++, Linux, HTML, and Python, dabbling in other languages and infrastructures as necessary.
        Examples of my computer science endeavors can be found in the “Data Projects” tab, as well as in the realization of this site. While the backend is a WordPress theme, I have made necessary adjustments to its aesthetic and operation, and the individual pages (i.e everything that isn’t the home screen) are constructed entirely with my own HTML and CSS. Though you may find no interest in the theoretical analysis of music, a look at my Score Analyses will offer another example of my presentation and structuring skills.