Survey Responses

Typical Vernacular per Theme


  • Amazing
  • Enjoyable
  • Cool
  • Good
  • Great
  • Fun
  • Confusing
  • Unrelatable
  • Value

  • Inspiring
  • Enlightening
  • Powerful
  • Worthwhile
  • Important
  • Opportunity
  • Thankful
  • Fortunate
  • Time
  • Mandatory
  • Novelty

  • Interesting
  • Unique
  • New
  • Unoriginal

  • Responses

    “We went to the Acrobat performance. It was amazing! I really enjoyed it and appreciate that we had an opportunity to attend. Although it somewhat related to the course work, I would enjoy more class assignments like this. In turn, I went to the Adam Savage, Myth Busters event a few weeks after, which I probably wouldn’t have attended. I now recommend arts event to other students and non-students. I think this is a great way to get students and the community involved in attending more events at The Green Music Center!”

    “I was excited to be given a ticket to attend such an exciting performance by Arturo Sandoval. Latin Jazz is so fun, I wish there would have been a small dance floor. The culture brought to campus was vibrant and I would really love to take more advantage of the GMC opportunities as a student.”

    “It was nice to experience another part of the campus and community that I would not normally of had the chance to do so.”

    “Going to the arts event on campus was extremely refreshing. Being a business major, all of my classes are always filled with math or heavy information so to get away from that and escape to an art room was such a breath of fresh air. I loved being able to use my imagination for something and be able to interpret it however I wanted to, unlike business classes where there is only one single way to interpret it.”

    “It was really nice to connect music to math, and it was a new way of learning for me and I feel that it would engage and motivate students.”

    “I had a fantastic time at the Banda Magda concert. It incorporated incredible musical talent with a mash up of styles we have covered in our class. I also got to speak with the artists after their show and received some very helpful advice and words of encouragement. Thank you for the opportunity to attend concerts like these for free and for valuing the arts exactly as they should be valued.”

    “It’s sometimes hard to find the time to attend on campus events and exhibits – but I was so glad this was a class requirement. School art exhibits and performances should be integrated with class curriculum campus-wide. The event would have more attendance and exposure, and campus culture and discourse would change with more exposure to the arts on campus. Both artists reminded me of my years in Williamsburg Brooklyn and the Lower East Side arts and music scene. Everything is text, everything is copy, everything is personal, AND political.”

    “The in-class arts speaker made me excited to see the performance. I think with the more people that come into different classes to talk about the show will increase attendance. Also, more marketing about the show would be nice, I could not find that much information besides when and where it would happen.”

    “Gets me out of my comfort zone by never going to arts events. Makes me see another life on campus and I really enjoy it!”

    “Keep this up. I would have never done some of this if my class did not require it.”

    “I enjoyed the event that I went to. I didn’t mind going, but the fact that I had to take time from my already busy schedule (class/work/sports practice) to go to an arts event for my class that isn’t even about art, was kind of annoying. If we could somehow watch the event in class during our normal class period that’d be more ideal.”

    “I love the arts program that we have here at Sonoma. The reason that no one goes out to them on their free time is that we do not have our own culture or self of identity in Sonoma state. to the point of where people would rather stare at their TV screen for another 8 hours as opposed to go to something that is invigorating, such as our art program.”